New menu for 2022

New menu for 2022

Interviewer: what new things can we expect for 2022? Chef Misuzu: Currently, we are working on Valentine’s day special. We are thinking about updating the Green tea log cake. We also have a shelf that we already built at the store, and we are going to display Suzuya hats, cups, and more food products. Chef…

Sponge Cake Recipe

Sponge Cake Recipe

Interviewer: First and foremost, what makes your sponge cake recipe so unique? Chef Misuzu: It’s all about the texture. The texture is very wet and smooth, and it’s just wonderful. I prefer it by itself; I can eat it without any cream or anything else. It’s fantastic. Interviewer: Yes, it sounds so delicious. How did…

Misuzu’s Recipe

Misuzu’s Recipe

Interviewer: Do we have any idea what you guys are thinking about when it comes to publishing a recipe video and a recipe page for the first time? Chef Misuzu: For being healthy, can we make items using kabocha pumpkins? Kabocha is a nutritious ingredient that many of our clients like seeing. Interviewer: So you…

Interview: Halloween

Interview: Halloween

Interviewer: Do you guys have things like set-up Halloween, in terms of bakery goods, or cakes? Chef Misuzu: Yes, we make “kabocha” products every year, including kabocha pudding and other products. Interviewer: Oh, really. For those of us who don’t know about what kabocha is, would you explain what it is? Chef Misuzu: Kabocha is…