Christmas Tree Macarons Box
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Embracing the Season at Suzuya

November has been an exciting month at Suzuya as we prepare for the holidays. From the return of autumn favorites like Kabocha Tokyo and our individual Apple Pies to the excitement surrounding our Christmas Specials, it’s been wonderful to see so many customers embracing the season with us. The introduction of drinks like our Cinnamon Apple Chai and snacks like Caramel Rasuku has brought…

Summer Delights and Heartwarming Moments at Suzuya Patisserie
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Summer Delights and Heartwarming Moments at Suzuya Patisserie

At Suzuya Patisserie, we are always excited to introduce new and delightful offerings to our cherished customers. Among our latest additions is the Red Shiso Yuzuade. This beverage is not only delicious but also boasts health benefits, such as allergy prevention and skin protection. In Las Vegas, where taking care of your body is essential,…